Syzygium myrtifolium

Regular price $25.00 Unit price per
  • full sun
  • partial sun

Syzygium myrtifolium is a flowering plant in the family Myrtaceae.  It can be kept as a shrub, pruning to preferred height or grown as a tree with a dense bushy crown that can reach a height up to 60 feet tall. It is native to Southeast Asia and typically found in coastal areas, lowlands, and other wet tropical environments. Young leaves emerge shiny and reddish, turning red-brown then glossy green. Powderpuff-like, fragrant flowers are cream to white in color, borne on a branched inflorescence, attracting butterflies. Bird-attracting fruit are black when fully ripe. Szyzgium myrtifolium is suitable for planting along streetscapes, parks and gardens as a tree or as a dense hedge. Due to its amenability to pruning, it can also be used as a topiary. Prefers full sun and well-draining soil. (Pot size: 3 gallon)

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