Sansevieria cylindrica
'African Spear' is a rhizomatous succulent native to Southern Tropical Africa. It is a member of the family Asparagaceae and also known as Dracaena angolensis due to recent changes in taxonomy. The leaves are striped, elongate, smooth, greenish-gray and almost cylindrical, reaching a height of 7 feet and growing in a fan-shape from a basal rosette. Flowers of Sansevieria cylindrica are greenish-white, tubular, and tinged with pink. Sansevieria cylindrica prefers bright light but is adaptable to both direct sun and low lighting. It is drought tolerant and can be watered every other week. Provide well-draining soil. This is an easy to grow ornamental plant due to its adaptability and drought tolerance. A must have for its unique form. (Pot size: 1 gallon)