Dimocarpus sp. ‘Ruby Longan’

Dimocarpus sp. ‘Ruby Longan’

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  • full sun

‘Ruby Longan’ is a recent variety of Dimocarpus longan, which got its name because of the beautiful ruby red color of the fruits and leaves. It is an evergreen fruiting tree originating from Southeast Asia, reaching a height of 15 plus feet.  The ruby red fruit hang in clusters and when fully ripened and freshly harvested, have a bark-like shell, thin, and firm, making the fruit easy to peel by squeezing the pulp out. It is similar to the lychee, also a member of the family Sapindaceae, but production is later in the season. The flesh of this variety is sweeter and juicier. It is a very eye-catching tree when brimming with the delicious ruby red fruit. Dimocarpus sp.’Ruby Longan’ prefers full and well-draining soil. (Pot size: 1.5 gallon)

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