Simarouba glauca

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  • attracts birds
  • attracts butterflies
  • full sun
  • native plant

Simarouba glauca, the 'Paradise Tree', is a fairly frequent component of South Florida and Caribbean hardwood hammock habitats. For those interested in learning to identify native hammock trees, 'Paradise Tree' is one of the easiest, with its compound leaves composed of multiple oval-shaped leaflets. Flowers of the paradise tree are inconspicuous, and trees are dioecious, with individuals having only male or female flowers. Fruits are edible purple-black drupes. The flowers and fruit provide a food source for native butterflies and birds. It is one of our faster-growing native trees, and also one of the tallest, at up to 50 feet. Simarouba glauca is well suited to our local growing conditions and is often planted as a street tree or shade tree in public and residential landscapes. Plant in full sun. (Pot size: 3 gallon)

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